Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It's with a heavy heart that I sit and write this tonight. This past Monday, we traveled to Plymouth to lay to rest Jason's uncle Craig. Craig was just 48 years old. He leaves behind a wife and three kids.

As we sat in the funeral home, I felt overwhelmed by the thought of losing someone that I love. I have yet to experience a death of someone close and can't imagine the hurt and pain that one experiences. I did not know Craig very well, but yet I mourned his death because of the sorrow and hurt that his family was feeling. What shock and pain it must be to loss someone with whom you loved so much.

At the funeral many songs were played. The first being "Amazing Grace." How many of you know that song, yet have never really stopped and really listened to it??
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That sav’d a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears reliev’d;
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believ’d!
The song was one of Craig's favorite. Why? Because he was a believer. He believed that Jesus died on the cross for us and rose again. He called on him and was saved. His wife is also a christian and although she mourns his death, so rejoices because he is now in heaven with God.
Craig knew where he was going when he dies...I know where I'm going when I die, do you? The bible makes it clear. "Who ever calls on His name will be saved" Saved??? Do you know what that really means??
Stay with me here...
We all sin. I know that I am a terrible sinner. But that's the thing, we ALL sin so if it weren't for Jesus dying on the cross and taking the brunt of our sin, we would never be allowed into heaven.
Think of it this way....I am on one side of the river and God is on the other. I can't get to him because he is well...God and I'm with my horrible attitude and righteous behavior. So what can I do to get to him. NOTHING really, because there is no way to EARN holiness or erase what I think and do. My punishment for my sin is death..forever separated from Him.
So now what? Basically I have to have someone else EARN my way to God. Into the picture....Jesus. You see, he lived a perfect life (yes, he lead a perfect life!) and died in our place on the cross. He took the punishment for me so that I can go to heaven with God instead of hell (which I deserve). He is the bridge linking me and God! He SAVED me!!!
Still have you here? Good.
Now, what I choose to do with the "gift" is up to me. I can ignore it, deny it, or accept it. I chose to accept it and so did Craig. All you have to do to accept Christ gift is to admit your sin (if you understand that you are a sinner...) and for him to be the leader of your life (instead of you). A simple prayer that will change your life forever!
Sound is!!! If you truly believe it, it seals your destiny forever. Pretty awesome isn't it?? No more living in fear of death. They say heaven is better than we can ever imagine and I want to be there with you. A friend said to me the other day, "I bet people would give more thought to this Jesus thing if they really understood what hell was like." I agree because if you choose to deny or ignore this gift, I really believe that you will end up there....for eternity. -
So where do you stand? Are you ready to make a decision? I hope that you will and if you are still confused, I hope that you will seek out answers. I know that the bible has an ugly reputation for being hard to understand, so if you can't start there...start somewhere. Attend church, go to a christian website....ask me!!!
The decision to ask God into my life was very personal. I had very misguided ideas about God and death and it took me sometime to understand all this. Heck, I don't understand it all completely now! All I know is, once you make that decision, you are deciding to change. You are no longer living for your own desires and wants, but are living for God. I am still FAR from perfect, but I am leaning on what God wants for me rather than what I want for myself. That is what being a christian is.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE think about what I've written. The most comforting thing about Craig's death was that he continues to live with God in heaven. What an amazing comfort to his family. I want to know that about you. Know that one day we will all be together in heaven, forever!!!!
P.S. I just want to clarify...God doesn't speak directly to me through revelations or anything....he doesn't do that! He tells me what he wants for my life in the bible....just want to make sure it was clear that I haven't heard God's actual voice :)

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