Saturday, March 15, 2008

St. Patty's Day

Isn't everyone Irish on March 17th???

As I walked through ToysRus today I saw "it" I mean the cutest darn leprechaun hat that a mom has ever seen!

Self: "Oh...I have to have this"

Little voice: "NO NO...for what?!?"

Self: "for you know...a picture or something"

Little voice: "NO NO how can you justify this?"

Self: "I must have this...I will take pics of Nolan and...and...and...I know, put them on the blog"

So here they are.
The only time that boobs on him will ever be so darn cute.

Great huh? Maybe you can borrow this hat next year and take cute naked pictures of your baby, They just won't be this cute!

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