After much persuasion on my part….partly because the task of painting seemed so overwhelming and time consuming to Jason…we finally took the plunge. We painted our oak cabinets black!
The process……
-2. Look at a million different kitchens online for months to make sure that you know exactly what you like…..
-1. Pester Have discussions with your husband until you convince him agree that it’ll look great. (not that I’ve ever seem a single black kitchen in my real life…but still…..)
1. Take off all cabinet doors and dispose of all the yucky brass hardware. BUT save those hinges and spray paint them black. Those suckers are expensive!
2. Sand the surfaces just enough to “rough” it up. Be ready to answer questions from silly neighbors (like, “Are you sure you know what you are doing?” haha. If he only knew…..)
Make sure that you wipe them down with a damp cloth (or tack cloth) to get all the dust off. Sawdust + paint = not cool
3. Go to Home Depot and buy their enamel undercover primer and paint. This stuff is awesome. Have the primer tinted black….or blue….which is how dark they can get it apparently. This stuff is hard as a rock. You can’t scratch the finish off even if your trying.
You can see the upper cabinets have already taken a coat of primer and the lower ones are on their first coat of black.
4. Recruit lots of help in painting. It gets a little boring by yourself.
5. Use a brush to get into the fine corners (a good brush is so worth the investment!) and a foam roller to get a smooth finish. DO NOT go over your paint when it starts to cure (dry). If you realize you made a mistake it’s better to wait and sand it down after it dries.
6. Decide that one project is really not enough. Realize your husband must really love you when he holds his tongue and says, “whatever you want babe”
7. Coat all cabinet doors, drawers, and base cabinets with one coat of primer and at least 2 coats of paint. It was most likely three when all was said and done. Give it plenty of time to dry between coats. Spend days looking at open cabinets :)
8. We added bead board and an extra piece of molding to the bottom and sides of the cabinets for some extra flair. I think it makes the kitchen!
9. Hang your doors back on with your newly spray painted hinges. Put on your new bling…um…your hardware.
10. Leave cabinets doors open because your husband insist they may stick if you don’t. Leave them open until you can no longer handle looking at your messy cabinets.
11. Enjoy your “new” old kitchen!
Paint and supplies: $45
New cabinet hardware: $60
Beadboard and trim: $30
New look = $135
What do you think?? Love the black or missing the oak?
That looks awesome! I love the black and can't wait to see it in person!!
Your kitchen is beautiful Jamie!! I love the black and the molding that you added to the sides of the cabinet definitely makes it even more beautiful! You did a great job!
Definately LOVE the black...Jaime you are amazing!!
You rock... would you like to do a few projects fr me :) I have been begging nick to refinish our 2 dressers for 3+ years now and all he has accomplished is getting two of the dresser handles off... jk - it all looks awesome!
LOVE the black!! Nice work!!
I painted our cabinents white from wood earlier this spring, and have LOVED it as well. I chose the same hardware you have and also spray painted my hinges. Great minds we have, eh?
Looks awesome!! We painted our school room cabinets black and spray painted the hinges hammered nickel. LOVE THEM! I can't seem to talk my hubby into letting me attack the kitchen, but it is pretty darn big.
It looks fantastic! You really did an awesome job!
that looks fantastic!! I'm thinking about doing the same very soon!
Girl you rock! The new kitchen is fantabulous! I love your play by play of the whole thing, lol.
Beautiful! LOVE the black. Great job. I have thought of doing that in my kitchen, we have maple currently. Maybe some day.
Beautiful! I have painting my kitchen cabinets on my near project list and will use this as a resource for sure!
Love the black and bead board. i am thinking of painting my cabinets and this will be one of my "inspiration" pictures. Very nice kitchen!!!
Absolutely gorgeous! Man, I'm so tempted....we painted our oak cabinets white (used black hardware), and I'm sooooo wanting to paint the bottom cabs black now. Thanks for all the tips too!
I will never ever miss oak!! They look great. I painted mine chocolate brown...always wondering if I should have done black...maybe next time!! I love how they look and of course the bead board it so gorgeous!! Great job. That can be a doozy of a project!
~Andy @ poppiesatplay.blogspot.com
Where were you when I lived in my old house and hated my oak cabinets every day of my life??? Huh???
The beadboard make such a custom look and the pulls are perfect.
This has to win, because it is Fan. Tas. Tic. The best DIY today, hands down. Pack it up girls, I'm predicting a winner...
Hello gorgeous!!! You did an awesome job! I love painted cabinets so much more than standard woodtone. Yours came out great :)
WOW! Less than $150 for that amazing transformation!? I was laughing through your entire description. Poor, silly hubby does really love you :)
Your kitchen looks beautiful!!! The pic of your son with the paintbrush is SO cute!
I did ours recently and my three year wanted to help paint too.
love the new kitchen! I am in the process of painting all of my cabinets white-well the walls first then the cabinets. I may have to use that bead board idea, it really does add a nice touch. And I LOVE the red cabinet now. Looks great!
Really great job - the beadboard really makes it! Nice job :)
I can't believe the difference!! you did a great job
LOVE the black-not missing that oak at all!
Kudos to you,
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