But, as I sit here and do nothing substantial (is that even the word I am looking for?!) I think of how particular blessed I feel. Maybe it's because I have visited many blogs tonight of people going through struggles and life challenges far superior to what I have ever experienced.
I am lucky to (in no particular order)
- Have healthy children. No life threatening illnesses, incurable diseases or such. My heart aches at even the slightest pain they feel and I can't imagine what parents go through when their child is so sick.
- Have family and friends that are willing to travel 2 hours to celebrate Cameron's birthday even though everyone expect two people were from up north. I LOVE YOU GUYS!! It meant alot to have you here with us.
- A husband who digs thru the clearance racks with me for 10 minutes looking for the lost mittens that I think Nolan MUST have even though he wore it for 3 seconds and may never wear it again..but hey it was only 99 cents! He really does love me, doesn't he?
- Have Friends. I can't imagine life without my mommy friends or my non-mommy friends. They both keep me humble, sane and encourage me in their own "ways" A girl really couldn't have better ones.
- Have God...why me? Really? I've been chosen to serve an awesome God who is more awesome that I know! Yet, I fail miserably. I guess I am most thankful for His forgiveness time and time again. (on a side note: I often find myself comparing how I relate to my children and how it might be similar to how God sees me. You know, I always say, "I told you not to do that...I asked you to obey....God probably looks down, shake His head, and says the same things to me.)
Glad I got that off my chest. Now I can go to bed.