Thursday, March 26, 2009


It's 11:45pm. Jason is still at work. This is got to be over soon. I miss my husband.

On a brighter side, he did surprise me by coming home for lunch and we meet for dinner.

Things have been a little weird around here lately. I have been busy with some random project. Like a beautiful baby announcement and a wedding invitation. My car still needs to get it's second repair job, I need to wrap up some random craft projects junkin up my counter, and I really, really, need to make something with the chicken that's been defrosting in my fridge for 2 days. It always seems like one step forward on my to-do-list and three things get added. Just so you know...I am a huge list maker. I make list so that I can cross things off. I think I will make a list tonight when I am done. I will put update blog on there and cross it off. It's therapeutic.

Cameron's allergy test all came back negative. That's good, but the doctor said something about that doesn't mean an allergy doesn't exist still. Whatever that means. He hasn't been complaining of pain as much...we'll see.


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