Thursday, January 15, 2009


I bet you've just been dying for my 'big' announcement. Some of you have even called to inquire personally...hahaha....

Toys went 75% off at Target. They actually didn't go Wednesday as predicted, but today. Of course, the stuff that I wanted was still only 50%. There is tons at our local store. It's a great time to tuck some things away for birthdays. And yes, that means that I have officially a bad mommy. I dragged my kids out to Target in negative degree weather for a deal :)

I am starting a new women's bible study tonight. I am looking forward to some great learning and changing with the girls (adult converstation is just a plus)!

The weekend is almost here and it looks like it might be exciting. Our 6th (yes, 6th!!!) wedding anniversary is on Sunday and I think we have babysitters for Saturday and Monday...score! I have NO idea if we'll do anything exciting, but it will be nice to spend sometime alone sans kids. I am sure we'll pull out that old video and watch (our skinner)-selves devote our lives to eachother. Maybe I can convince him to rent a tux and I'll get into that dress and we'll go out on the town...hahaha. Wouldn't that be a sight?


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