Phew...what a great 24hrs. While we relax and visit with family, I think I'll take a little break from blogging and just enjoy all of my blessings. Hope you have a great rest of your week!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
From our family to yours....Merry Christmas!!
Luke 2: 1-20
Jesus' Birth in BethlehemNow in those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus, that a census be taken of all the inhabited earth.
This was the first census taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria.
And everyone was on his way to register for the census, each to his own city.
Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David, in order to register along with Mary, who was engaged to him, and was with child.
Whle they were there, the days were completed for her to give birth.
And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
In the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night.
And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were terribly frightened.
But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
"This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."
And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased."
When the angels had gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds began saying to one another, "Let us go straight to Bethlehem then, and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us."
So they came in a hurry and found their way to Mary and Joseph, and the baby as He lay in the manger.
When they had seen this, they made known the statement which had been told them about this Child.
And all who heard it wondered at the things which were told them by the shepherds.
But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart.
The shepherds went back, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen, just as had been told them.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Nothing much profound around here. Unless you consider this crazy cold weather...I am chilled and can't get warm!
Me and Jason had date night last night. It was 3 hours of bliss! It's amazing the things that can get done without three wee ones in tow. It's sad that we had to spend date night finishing up our last minute errands before Christmas hits, but it was way better than the alternative. The kids have a blast with their friends and we get to do whatever we want. Maybe come January, we will have more 'dates' hopefully.
Today brought rest, and no Internet or phone! Verizon accidentally cancelled our services. Funny, since we have automatic payment that comes out the same time every month! By 7 or so, everything was back up and running. Needless to say, it was kinda nice to find something else to do while the kids ate breakfast. Jason was home by 3....He is very excited about having 12 days off. I am too. I am sure that it will fly with this week being so busy.
I managed to finish a little project for the boys for Christmas. They are so cute, but you'll have to wait till Christmas to see them!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
What a weekend! The Christmas shopping is almost done. Most of the cookies are baked, and almost all of the presents are wrapped and under the tree. We are ready for Christmas!! The boys are so excited. I think we may go see the big man himself tomorrow at the mall....
On Saturday, we baked the day away. In fact, I think I ate too much of the leftover dough = way too much sugar and not enough 'normal food' ...I had a really bad headache by 3:30 and ended up ruining our plans for the rest of the day. We missed a sweet little ones bday party too :( After a nap and some much needed Tylenol, we ended up at the Living Nativity for a walk through. It was really cold, but everyone had a great time. Afterwards, we did a little last minute Christmas shopping.
Today, we went to church for the Christmas musical. It was great. The numbers in the nursery were way done, so we had a rather relaxing morning. If you didn't already know, me and Jason have taken over the nursery ministry at Faith. We are co-coordinating with another couple. It's been quite the adventure, but it's a ministry that is very close to our hearts and we really enjoy working with the parents and the children. Our numbers continue to grow, so it should be interesting to see where God takes our ministry in the coming year.
After church we attending a party for a dear friend of ours who's husband is stationed in California in the Navy. He is home for the holidays and is getting ready to deploy in the coming month or so. It was nice to see him and even better to see her in such great spirits! We love you Jodi!!!
Jason's work Christmas party for the kids was tonight. It was a laser light show. The boys really enjoyed it. Even Nolan sat through the entire thing without much complaining, and it was 45 minutes long! We were going to see Santa afterwards, but he had already left by the time that we got out of the show. The boys were a little disappointed.
It is soooooo cold here today. The car said 2 degrees, but the wind chill is probably much colder....brrrrrr. This is why I HATE winter.
It's back to work tomorrow for 2 days...can't wait for Wednesday and the nice vacation that it brings!
I still have a laundry list of things to get done before then...laundry for starters actually :) I haven't even done my Christmas cards yet!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Jason was such a great husband today. We ended up staying in Indy to do some shopping...8 stores later....and no complaining! Not that he complains, but I think he actually enjoyed it :) Ok, maybe I won't go that far. We had a great lunch and then did a little gaming at our favorite little corner of the world...Chuck E Cheese, of course. $10 can go a LONG way at that place. Especially with their handy buy 40 get 60 free token coupons. Gotta love cheap entertainment. By 4, the little ones were spent and feel asleep in the car. Jason was even gracious enough to stop, on the way home, at the Goodwill in Carmel for me to shop...that's love...I didn't even see it and he stopped because {{and I quote}} "I know you would have wanted to" aw...I love you babe!
We were home by 7pm and the kids were in bed by 8 or so! They were spent from all that walking today.
Jason even went to the grocery store for me tonight . We're planning a BIG baking session tomorrow. It's our annual tradition to make TONS to cookies for family and friends. I know that everyone always gets lots of goodies around Christmas, but we have so much fun making and giving them away....Plus, the boys are getting old enough to help...make a mess that is ;)
Tomorrow we have our last bible study of the year and we are having a big breakfast together. The boys are excited to get to wear their pj's to their friend's house. You know me, I am all for staying in my pj's for as long as possible...less laundry and way more comfortable.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Only 6 more days till Christmas...I am so NOT ready....
- I have Christmas cookies to bake
- Packages to mail
- Christmas cards to send...wait Christmas pics to take too....
- Gifts to wrap
- I have people I STILL need to buy for...
- GRR...I should be shopping!
Cameron continues to do well and we are planning on getting that pesky catheter taken out on Friday morning. Jason's off tomorrow and Gavin's last day of school is today, so we are all going to make the trip to Indy and make a day out of it. Maybe I'll get some shopping done?!? Let's see 4 boys + 1 busy mall = 0 accomplished! (I know, my math sucks!)
Yesterday, we attended a funeral for one of our dear friend's mother. I didn't know her personally, but really wanted to share in the celebration of her life. She was a very strong Christian woman and her funeral was so wonderfully done, so God honoring.
This woman was fine just a few months ago. She's didn't know that she wouldn't be spending Christmas with her family. She's gone. Her family finds comfort in knowing where she went, because she had accepted Christ as her Savior. Those thoughts, that she was in heaven, were so comforting to them. I can't even imagine the hurt, the pain, if they didn't believe that God was still in control............didn't know that His ways are bigger than ours!
Until a few years ago, I had always feared death, I have always feared that 'unknown' But as I have grown in my faith, as I have read more of the bible, I have come to a peace about the whole situation. IF I really believe in Jesus and his work on the cross....the fact that he died for MY sinfulness, then why not believe all the glorious things he says about heaven??? So, in believing in him, living for him, I am not afraid to leave this world. I know we all stand before the judgement seat of Christ and give an account of the way we lived. I still fall so short of God's purpose, I am sure. But, I know that through His son, I am accepted and will be given eternal life.
This probably sounds so preachy. I'm just sharing my heart. I know that many of the dear people I love still don't know the peace and joy that I have in life, in Christ. I AM NOT PERFECT, I still am very sinful, I still DO NOT MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES. But I know that God accepts me and forgives me for the things that I do...because I have asked.
Our friend's didn't know that they only had weeks to spend with their mother...she was taken so quickly. They DID KNOW where she went when she left this earth.
Life in itself is so simple...we live, we love, we die. We get so carried away with the stuff of life...the house, the kids, the money, the drama...that we forget that we were given life as a gift and we can accept eternal life if WE CHOOSE TO. God wants us to accept Him, but it's a choice that you make. You can go through life and choose to live another day apart from Him, but what if today is your last? If today is mine...I have chosen God, and I will be going home.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Read this...
It's quite interesting and sad that Walmart holds a higher parental consent standard than planned parenthood.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Jason's dad came for a visit today. It was nice to have the company and he helped Jason with a few chores that were better left up to boys anyways. He stayed with the boys for an hour or so and me and Jason went to pickup some new storage for our playroom. As I sit here tonight, Jason is slaving away trying to make it look good. Too bad I am gonna mess it up and paint it black as soon as I get the chance...maaahaaa...suprised? Didn't think so!
Cameron was in more pain today. OR maybe he figured out that we cater to his every whim when he says his 'pepe' hurts. Smart kid. Hopefully his will feel better tomorrow? He gets his catheter taken out on Friday. We should be uphill from there, hopefully??
All of our Christmas decorations are up. The kids are totally digging Christmas and the hoopla this year. I accidentally put baby Jesus in the manger scene and Gavin promptly took him down and hid him. He remembered that Jesus doesn't come till Christmas and the empty manager is to remind us what the holiday is all about! It's so cool to see him 'getting it' more and more.
The boys decorating the tree...notice their in the pj's still....
Yum....chocolate covered bananas. Got the chocolate kit for 0.88 at Walmart. Take a a few frozen banana's and your kids think your the coolest ever. Shhh....don't tell them their eating the fruits!
Like Cam's hair?? I wanted to grow it out and see if it would curl. It's been out of control lately, but so cute :) That stick was promptly taken away, darn boys.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Today we had lots to do around the house, but took it easy to see how Cameron would do. He was great today! It's actually much better than Nolan's surgery because he can tell us what is wrong...every time Nolan fussed, we would wonder if he was in pain, hungry, sleepy....Cam just tells us if it hurts, he hungry, tired....much better.
I took off for a couple hours in the afternoon to work in the clothing closet. Then we got the Christmas decorations out and ready for our tree tomorrow. Jason also put up some Christmas lights. The boys were so excited to see them after nap! We ventured out after dinner to get some shopping done. Again, Cameron did great and actually wanted to walk in the store. I was afraid he was gonna get hurt, but he was fine. I think it was good for him to get out of the house too. We also picked up these...they turned out too cute :)

After some light shopping, we drove through the our church's Living Nativity. It was crazy busy. I think we waited 45 minutes to get to the start and it only took 10 minutes to get through. Gavin got to tag along and be apart of the Bethlehem scene with some friends. He had a blast regardless of the freezing weather....There are two sets of casts, so he rotated out every 20 minutes or so...brrrrr
We still have church tomorrow, but one of us will stay home with Cam and Nolan because of Cam's catheter. Hopefully tomorrow will go as great as today! But isn't the 3rd day after an operation the worst???
Friday, December 12, 2008
It's been a long day....too long and I should be sleeping.
No big plans this weekend. Hopedully we can drag all our Christmas stuff out and get a tree. Maybe finish some VERY loose ends on the latest remodeling project...wishful thinging I know :) Jason is off till Tuesday. Then it's 5 more days of work for 12 days off...whoohoo!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tomorrow is the big day. Cam is going in for surgery at 10am. If you are thinking of him would you say a prayer for him? We would appreciate it so much!
I preregistered him today and went over a laundry list of questions pertaining to his health. If got me thinking. Our family has truly been blessed. No cancer, no lifelong illness, no problems with our hearts, lungs, brains.....haha!
I am working with a clothing closet and food pantry....and it's so sad the situation some of the people are in. No financial problems here. How often do I take things for granted and appreciate what I have 100%??? NEVER!! What if the tables were turned, what would I do in that situation? Should I be worried about my stupid paint colors, when there are people who are hurting so much? What would $40 do for them? I'm struggling.....
I guess I wonder how much of yourself/your money do you give and how much you keep and enjoy? Because when it comes down to it, we all could live on alot less if we had to....
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
We had a lunch date with Jason today. It was a little last minute, but we meet at Denny's for a great brunch. I love doing things like that. It makes my day go by so fast and I know Jason likes it too....or maybe we stress him out and he is happy to go back to his quiet desk?!
I took some pics tonight for a friends Christmas card and for her daughter's first birthday.
I also took pics of the boys... This is about how it went....
We might have to try for round two another day.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Gavin's program went really well today. He actually sang this year. Last year he kinda stood up there with a shocked look on his face. Their so sweet at this age. He was so proud of himself and we were too!
Life seems to be getting back to normal around here. Not that we have a 'normal' really. I have lots of volunteering stuff to work on this week and I am dying to get the upstairs in some sort of order. Even if that means shoving all the stuff that in the hallway in the spareroom in a pile. I miss my hallway. The trim is almost all done, so pending Cameron's surgery going OK, we may be able to knock a few to-do things of the list this weekend. I don't think we will be running alot with a 2yr old with a catheter....anyone want to come entertain????
Christmas shopping is ALMOST done. It's so hard to buy for some people in our family that we are having to get creative.
I hope to get our Christmas cards pictures taken in the next few days so I can make and send out our Christmas cards. Don't worry, I always share some of the bloopers here.
Here's a pic for my sister-in-law. This is just one of a few of your beautiful daughter!

Monday, December 08, 2008
We're back!
It's been a long few days.
Friday night was sewing with the girls. I worked on Nolan's Christmas present, one of these. Each boy is gonna get one. Nolan's turned out great!
Saturday was going to be busy. But around 9 am, I started feeling icky and mentioned it to Jason. He said he didn't feel good. By 10 we knew is wasn't going to be a good day. I haven't had a bad stomach bug like that in a long time. Neither of us were very function-able, but somehow we made it through the day. Jason held it together enough to 'watch' the kids. It sucks when we are both sick, but diapers still had to be changed and kids needed to eat. Thankfully they played really well and took long naps. Jason deserves all the credit for holding this house together. I am such a baby. By 10pm, me and Jason were feeling a little better. By 4am Sunday, Gavin was up and sick. Nolan got sick in the morning too. Cameron acted like he wasn't feeling well one minute and then was fine the next. He has surgery on Friday, so I hope he doesn't come down with it in the next couple days....
There was no church on Sunday for us and no school for Gavin today. We are now over 36 hrs sick free and most of the house and toys have been disinfected. What a job it is to be sick!
We finally ventured out this evening to shop for some kids that we 'adopted' for Christmas. We got some 'boys' and our boys had fun picking out some things for them. It was so nice to be out of the house and dressed!
Gavin's Christmas program is tomorrow night for school. Watch for pics to come.
And I will leave you with a few things that I have been working on the last few days....even in my deathly state...ok I did most of these before I became so gravely ill....
A collage to be inclueded in their Christmas card:
My sister in law wanted something for her blog:

Sunday, December 07, 2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008
In 4 minutes it will be Friday. This week has flown by! There are definetly more things are my to-do-list that HAVE NOT gotten done then HAVE. Oh well...tis the season, right?
I worked on a collage for my sister-in-law and am tying up some loose ends on some other cards. I am in the process of creating 3 others. Stay tuned and I will share...
Tomorrow is sewing night with some girlfriends...I am excited to get a few things at least started.
Oh, by the way...sorry about all the poor grammer and spelling errors. I know it's horrible.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Here is what we've been up to the last few days...
Monday night after blogging, I made a cute nursing cover for my sis's best friend. I am such a procrastinator. I told her I would make it months ago and now she's delivery Thursday. My sis is taking it to her personally now though.
We got around on Tuesday, it was off in this freezing snowy weather to the post office. (Now that's love) I even was there before 11am...gasp! All kids and me dressed and showered...double gasp! Then, it was back home for lunch and naps. I was going to finish painting the last coat of white on the trim, but the darn can was sealed shut with dried paint. I hate being a wimp. So I did this instead:Isn't she the cutest. Yup, I took that pic too...Don't come banging down my door for yours...
Wanna know a confession? No, too bad! Last night I didn't blog because of this! Stupid TV!
I finally got ahold of Cameron's urologist and scheduled his surgery date. It is next Friday. I am a little nervous about how he'll do, but I think it's best for the long run. It's the same surgery that Nolan had done in October, so at least we know what we're facing.
I took Nolan to the doctor this morning for his 15 month check up. Guess what? Double ear infection. Man I feel bad. The doctor thinks that it may be related to this running nose, which he's only had since last week. He's still drooling like crazy and I think the teeth are the biggest issue. But, I still feel bad. We'll see if he perks up the next few days.
A friend came over for lunch today to help make this for her mom:
Then it was off to church tonight. Our boys love their Wednesday night program. It focuses on Godly character qualities and they take to it really well. Cameron is learning about sharing and being kind. He gets these papers that he is SO proud of!
Then it was time to put the kids to bed and finish these up for a friend, which one do you like?? He's a real estate agent and he's gonna mail them as postcards, so this would be the front. This one would have the 'looking forward" part on the other side with the address.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Happy December!
Have I told you that I hate snow? Ugh. It's cute to see the kids be excited about something so simple. Me, I just complain. About the cold, the dry skin, the coats, extra get the idea. I should be thankful that we have a warm house, plenty of warm clothes, dependable transportation...
I think Jason did a great yesterday blogging for me! Maybe he can give his 2 cents more often!
We didn't do anything exciting today. Stayed around the house and made a HUGE mess playing :) Picked up Gavin from school and headed to Meijer. If you don't know, we go to Meijer almost everyday for something. The greeter recognizes us. The lady at the cheese counter knows us.
I also made a meal for someone who just had a baby and ran it over there while Jason feed 7 kids. That's right, my wonderful do-it-all husband held down the fort and feed the kids (We were watching some friends kids, in case you thought we went off and adopted a few extras without telling :) Then we filled them with chocolate, marshmallows, and apple pie...before we sent them home. I hope they went to bed ok ;)
Now it's off to finish some Christmas shopping (it's Cyber Monday and I've been shopping online today!) and start and hopefully finish a nursing cover.
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Nolan was feverish and restless most of Wednesday night. He woke about 10ish and we went ahead and gave his tylenol. He went to bed around 12 and woke up fever free. I felt a little queasy and tired too, so we sat around most of Thursday with the intention of just 'wait and see' Nolan never fevered again and I felt better in the afternoon. We made the call around 5 to eat here and head up after dinner. Jason threw together our feast. "Feast" as in ham, potatoes and green beans. But it was good none-the-less and was fun to sit around as a family and talk about what Thanksgiving really is meant for and what we have to be thankful for. Then we were off....
We didn't make it to my sis's house until about 9:30. The kids feel asleep in the car so when we got there, they were ready to go in and play! Jason and I had this bright idea (ok, I had this bright idea) to head to an outlet mall 1 hour from my sis's house to do shop. The sale started at 12 midnight (yes, that is 12am on Black Friday)! My intention was to go there, do a little Christmas shopping and be back in bed by 3:30 at the latest. This particular outlet has a Stride Right and Cameron needed new shoes. They were also having a great sale that would make that this trip worth it if the shoes where the only think we bought! Plus, it was a free night with Jason. My kids would be sleeping and me and Jason would have some alone time.
I really didn't expect the outlet center to be so busy. We arrived about 12:30ish and there wasn't a parking spot to be found! It was insane. I should have known better. We didn't dress for the weather either. It was cold and we expected to be able to drive from one store to the other. We should have seen all the cars and ran the other way...I know Jason probably wanted too! Some stores even had lines to get in because they had reached their maximum capacity. The shoe store ended up being pretty slow and we were able to find some shoes and get in and out within 20 minutes. The other stores that we ventured into had such long lines that we ended up leaving without even looking at much merchandise. We ended up at the Gymboree outlet to find that their deals were too good to pass up. Outlet store prices, plus an additional 25% off the entire store= Tons to cute clothes for super cheap. Jason was smart and started to stand in line before I was done shopping. the line was only about 40 people deep, but it took 2 hours to get through!!! Needless to say, if I knew then what I know now.....
Poor husbands were being left while their wife went to different stores and would come back amazed that they moved so little. It was bad.... It wasn't the people it was their computers that were so slow!!! Needless to say. we didn't get back to bed till 6am. It made for a long day with the kids. But hey, Cameron has some new (cheap!) kicks and me and Jason will know better next time.
After that whole excursion on Friday, we took it easy. Nolan was still fussy and did not sleep well Friday night. Sleep as in NO sleeping for us either! We were able to catch up on some sleep today between naps and sleeping in. But, we are VERY thankful to be home.
On a fun side....we received these from a local Freecycler! It's all baseball cards. If you don't know what freecycle is, check it out here. This is a once in a life time sort of gift! It was her husband's and he didn't want it anymore. There are some great cards in there too! He spent most of the night looking through them. Now, where to store them...his collection has now almost doubled!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Nolan has a fever, won't eat, and it very restless.
Maybe we won't be traveling tomorrow afterall....
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Date night! Me and Jason went out tonight sans kids. We did a little Christmas 'looking' for the kids. Our problem is that we really hate to buy them something just to get them something. Take Nolan...what in the world does he need/want?!?
It was so nice to run in and out of stores without the extra 'weight' and to have dinner without interruptions. The kids had a blast too, they didn't want to come home!
We still haven't put the spare room back together, but picked up the rest of the needed supplies tonight. Maybe after MOPS tomorrow morning, we will make a dent in the room. Jason did brave the cold for more than an hour this afternoon and put away all the porch furniture and kid toys from the yard. We were dragging our feet...mainly me...hoping for a spike in temps so that we could sit out on the porch one last time! My flower beds are so dreary and dead now. I am starting to question not planting any bushes!
We're headed up north on Thursday and looking forward to spending some time with family...and maybe some friends we haven't hung out with lately!
Sunday, November 23, 2008

We went to the Faith's annual stewardship banquet tonight. It our church's wrap up of stewardship month. The theme was gratefulness for God's provision. Our church has been blessed tremendously this year with the community center and Vison of Hope but we have also experience many blessing in our own family. Thank you all for helping us along the way! It reminds me so much of where I started and where I am today. God has been so good!! The speaker tonight talked about how important it is for us to show appreciation to not only God, but also to others. I see how I fail so miserably at that. I know how special a hand written note means to me, and yet, I often fail to recognize someone else generosity.
Will you try to thank someone this week that has helped you in some small way?? I will.
And I leave you with these,
My toothless wonder:Mini-me